Reg No. - CHHBIL/2010/41479ISSN - 2582-919X
Whose new year is it on 1st January? Do…
Pope Gregory XIII and BJP spokesperson Rajya Sabha MP Sudhanshu Trivedi The lines in which Sudhanshu Trivedi has congratulated the New Year are actually the entire history of this Gregorian calendar which tells us that the task of deciding the date and day has not been so easy that…
How, why and who made ‘Raghupati-Raghav Raja Ram’ the…
Mahatma Gandhi made changes in the hymn ‘Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram’ The question is why is there so much controversy over this bhajan of Mahatma Gandhi? Actually,…
Crossing ‘”T’s and Dotting ‘I’s- By – Dr. Shruti…
Author Just select any word(s) having “t” and “i” other than the beginning and culminating letters, for e.g. adventure and biography.Now pen down/scribble these words on a…
SpaceX launches giant Starship, aborts catching booster with mechanical…
Washington: SpaceX on Tuesday November 19 , 2024 launched another Starship rocket , but passed up catching the booster with giant mechanical arms. Unlike last month’s success,…
Chhattisgarh Forest Department organises a vulture conservation workshop and…
Raipur : A one-day workshop on vulture conservation was organised at Aranya Bhawan in Nava Raipur in the capital. Various vulture conservation experts, environmentalists as well as researchers,…
The role of sex in infidelity
Dr Rajan Bhonsle While sexual attraction is undeniably a factor in many cases of infidelity, it is rarely the sole reason. Relationships are multifaceted, and so too…