Reg No. - CHHBIL/2010/41479ISSN - 2582-919X
PM Modi attacks Congress in Lok Sabha, says- the blood of constitutional amendment is on their face
On the second day of the discussion on the Constitution in the Lok Sabha,i e on Friday December 14 , 2024 Prime Minister Narendra Modi is giving a speech on the occasion of 75 years of the Constitution. Before this, Rahul Gandhi also presented his views during the discussion on the Constitution
06:36 PM, 14-Dec-2024
The Prime Minister said that the Congress got so greedy for the amendment of the Constitution that it kept hunting the Constitution from time to time. The spirit of the Constitution was bled. The Constitution was changed 75 times in six decades. The seed sown by the first Prime Minister of the country was nurtured and watered by another Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. In 1971, the decision of the Supreme Court was overturned by changing the Constitution. She had cut the wings of the country’s court. She had snatched the rights of the court then. There was no one to stop her. Therefore, when Indira ji’s election was rejected by the court and she had to leave the post of MP, she imposed emergency on the country in anger. To save her chair, and after that in 1975, the 39th amendment was made and what did she do in it – no one can go to the court against the election of the President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Speaker, such a rule was made and it was implemented for the past as well. PM said that
06:35 PM, 14-Dec-2024
PM Modi said that Nehru ji had written a letter during that time. If the Constitution comes in our way, then the Constitution should be changed at all costs. When there was no Constitution in the country. Then President Rajendra Prasad ji had warned that you are doing wrong. Then our speaker also called it wrong. Big personalities like Acharya Kripalani, Jayaprakash Narayan also termed it wrong. But Nehru ji had a different constitution. That is why he did not listen to the advice of such senior great men and ignored their opinion.
06:32 PM, 14-Dec-2024
PM Modi said that a family of Congress left no stone unturned in hurting the Constitution. In the long history of the country, only one family has ruled. The bad thoughts, bad customs, bad policies of this family, its tradition is continuing. This family has challenged the Constitution at every level. From 1947 to 1952, there was no elected government in this country. There was a temporary system, a selected government. Elections were not held. The blueprint was made as an interim system. Rajya Sabha was not formed before 1952. There was no order of the public. The constitution makers had just made the constitution. Then they changed the constitution by ordinance and what did they do – freedom of expression was attacked. This was an insult to the constitution makers as well. But they did not succeed there. Later, as soon as they got a chance, they hammered the freedom of expression. What they could not get done in the Constituent Assembly, they did it through the back door. Those who were not the leaders of the elected government did this.
06:28 PM, 14-Dec-2024
PM Modi said that I have come to express special respect for the Constitution. We were able to reach here because of the Constitution. The strength of the Constitution and the blessings of the people have brought us here for the third time. I, the people of the country, stood with the Constitution. 06:25 PM, 14-Dec-2024
PM Narendra Modi said that then Atal ji’s government was in power. When the country was celebrating 50 years of the Constitution. Then it was my good fortune that I got a chance to become the Chief Minister through the constitutional process. Then I had decided as the Chief Minister that we will celebrate 60 years of the Constitution. We did this. Today, in the 75th year also, I got the opportunity to celebrate Constitution Day. When I asked to celebrate Constitution Day, then a leader had said that it is 26 January, what is the need for Constitution Day. This is about this house. It would have been better if people had discussed the Constitution on the 75th anniversary of the Constitution, but something else happened here.
06:23 PM, 14-Dec-2024
PM Modi said that when the Constitution was 25 years old, emergency was imposed in our country. The rights of citizens were looted. The freedom of the press was locked. This sin on the forehead of the Congress is not going to be washed away. Democracy was strangled. What was forgotten when 50 years passed. Then the 50th year of the Constitution was celebrated across the country. Atal ji had given the message of unity and the spirit of the Constitution to the country.
06:20 PM, 14-Dec-2024
PM Modi said that there has been a smell of discrimination in the country’s infrastructure. We eradicated it and strengthened unity. We worked to strengthen the infrastructure in every state of the country. PM said that the era has changed. We have developed India’s technology. We have taken technology to the Panchayat. We have accepted the importance of mother tongue. We have emphasized this in the new education policy. Now even a poor child will be able to become a doctor or engineer in his mother tongue. We have also worked in the direction of classical languages. Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat is strengthening the unity of the country.
06:17 PM, 14-Dec-2024
PM Modi said that I was putting these things in the light of the Constitution. In the last 10 years, the people of the country have given us the majority, in which we have strengthened the sense of unity in the country. Article 370 applicable in Jammu and Kashmir was becoming a hindrance in the unity of the country. We removed Article 370. We implemented One Nation-One Tax i.e. GST, One Nation-One Ration Card. Today, if any person in the country falls ill anywhere, he has an Ayushman card in the country. We have fulfilled the dream of One Nation-One Electric Grid. Today electricity can be given from any place to anywhere in the country.
06:14 PM, 14-Dec-2024

PM Modi speaking in Lok Sabha. – Photo: X/Sansad TV
PM Modi said that our constitution is also the basis of India’s unity. There have been great stalwarts of this country in the making of our constitution. Every section of the society was represented. Everyone was very sensitive towards the unity of India. Babasaheb Ambedkar had warned that the problem is how to unite the diverse public of the country. How to inspire the people of the country to take decisions together, so that a feeling of unity is created in the country. I have to say with great sadness that if the biggest blow has been made due to distorted mentality after independence, then it has been on the basic spirit of the constitution. The progress of this country has been in celebrating unity in diversity. But the people born in the mentality of slavery, for whom Hindustan was born in 1947, instead of celebrating unity in diversity, kept sowing poison in it in such a way that it hurts.
06:10 PM, 14-Dec-2024
In the G-20 Summit, we had put forward the idea of women led development in front of the world. Now we have completed its discussion. We MPs together passed the Nari Shakti Vandan Act. With this, we have ensured the participation of women in democracy. Women are at the center of every major scheme. In the 75th year of the Constitution, the President of India is also a woman. This is an expression of the spirit of our Constitution. The PM said that the number and contribution of women MPs in the House is consistently large. The contribution and representation of women in every field has been a matter of pride for the country.