Reg No. - CHHBIL/2010/41479ISSN - 2582-919X
Maha Kumbh: For those who return home, the refugee, Bhagwat and Dharmaput castes will be formed; Sanatan is the only religion
Shankaracharya – Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati -File Photo
For those who return home, Sharanagat, Bhagwat and Dharmaput castes will be formed. They will be kept in Bhagwat, Sharanagat and Dharmaput castes for a trial period of 12 years. After following normal Hindu religion for this period, arrangements can be made for them to join their original caste.
Jyotishpeethadhiswar Shankaracharya Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati said that three different castes will be created for those who return to Sanatan Dharma from other religions. Those who left Sanatan Dharma due to fear, greed and temptation and went somewhere else are now realizing that it was their or their ancestors’ mistake. They should definitely get an opportunity to correct their mistake and return to their religion. In the Paramdharma Sansad organized in the camp in Sector 19 on Saturday, Shankaracharya said that after returning home, the question arises as to which caste or class they will belong to. Paramdharma Sansad 1008 provides the provision that we will accept them by considering them as Sharanagat. They will be kept in Bhagwat, Sharanagat and Dharmapoot castes for a trial of at least 12 years. After following normal Hindu religion for so many days, they can be given the provision to join their original caste. Swami Avimukteshwarananda said that there is only one religion that can be addressed by the word Dharma and that is Sanatan, Vedic, Hindu, Arya or Param Dharma.
‘For conversion, it is necessary to go from one religion to another’
Nowadays, some sects have also been identified by the name of Dharma, which is inappropriate. There is only one Dharma, there is no other, so the word conversion cannot be formed, because for conversion, it is necessary to go from one religion to another.
Today, there are a total of 43 hundred religions in the whole world, but among them, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Judaism, Bahai, Tao, Shinto are the main ones. But basically, all these are not called religions. Like Judaism and Christianity have called themselves religion, Islam has called itself as dharma. When they themselves do not call themselves as dharma, then how can we call them as dharma?
Shankaracharya issued this order in Paramdharma Sansad through Paramdharma order that only Sanatan and the Indian origin branches of Sanatan like Jain, Buddhist, Sikh etc. should be called by the word Dharma. Others, especially Abrahamic religions, should be identified and called by their original names like Religion, Mazhab etc.
Those who believe in Christianity should be called religious and not Dharmik and those who believe in Islam should be called Mazhabi or Muslim and not Dharmik or Muslim. The intention behind saying this is not to insult anyone but to clear one’s identity and to refuse to be identified by confusion.
It is fair to address only the Hindus and the religions that have originated from the Hindu land of India by the name of Dharma and their followers by calling them Dharmik. Sadhvi Purnamba established the topic. Father Yan of Varanasi’s Maitri Bhavan was present as the Christian representative. Devendra Pandey conducted the Sansad as the religious head.