Reg No. - CHHBIL/2010/41479ISSN - 2582-919X
Objects falling from sky? Iron ring, cylinder-like thing found…
500 kg ring fell from the sky (Photo Credit Pawanpar Villagers Suddenly a huge burning ball of fire fell from the sky to the ground in a village. Seeing this the people around got scared. When they came closer they saw a huge iron ring lying there Gulhane said…
Children will have to take permission from their parents…
Children will have to take permission from their parents for social media accounts (AI-generated image) The central government has issued draft rules for digital personal data protection.…
Maharashtra: Amrita became emotional after seeing her husband Fadnavis…
The post of Devendra Fadnavis’s wife Amrita is going viral on social media. It is being linked to Fadnavis’ statement in which he had said in 2019…
‘You are not my maid. You are my Aunty’:…
Even though the relationship between a domestic helper and her employer is supposedly temporary, some leave a lasting impact. Three long-time helpers, all from the Philippines, reflect…
Nargis Fakhri: ‘No contact for 20 years…,’ Is Nargis…
Nargis Fakhri has received news from the newspaper about the allegations of murdering her sister Aaliya. Along with this, many other revelations have also been made about…
Mumbai Terror Attack: Mumbai has not forgotten the terrorist…
Mumbai Terror Attack: In India, ’26 November 2008′ is a date that makes everyone’s eyes wet when they remember it. Pictures of terror start floating in front of…