The Truth About Beauty


“Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder” goes the saying but do we think that there is any truth in it?
As reality is always stark and biting so is our attitude towards beauty. John Keats, the famous romantic poet, has said,
“Beauty is truth and truth beauty, that is all we know and all we need to know.”


There is only one problem: Beauty exists, and it’s unevenly distributed. Our eyes and brains pretty consistently
like some human forms better than others.
Yet most of us in real life do not see any example which can authenticate this claim that truth is beautiful.
According to me beauty means something which attracts your attention and makes you feel joyful from inside.
May it be a beautiful scene, a beautiful atmosphere or a beautiful living thing or a beautiful girl and women; we have
certain parameters to measure the beauty of such things. These parameters vary from person to person and from situation to
situation. Something that is very beautiful for you at some point of time cannot be the same at some other point of time.
Keats has also said, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
My objection to this statement is again got supported by real life examples where beauty is never eternal and we
have seen many beautiful things changing their status by becoming callous and dull. A man married to a girl after seeing
her before marriage but after few months of marriage he left her only on the ground that she was not beautiful or vise a
Many beautiful people don’t look so beautiful when you meet them often and see their real personality.
Moreover beauty of a person resides more in his/ her quality and less in his/her physical appearance. If you like some
person for some reasons that person becomes beautiful for you. It also leads to the conclusion that beauty can be superficial
and artificial on one hand and can be real and lasting on the other.
It depends on what kind of beauty you prefer. Some people are beautiful looking and some are not so beautiful
(I’ll not say ‘ugly’ as that word is already used in other reference) but their worth makes them beautiful for others.